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Minh Nguyen

Developer + Cat lover, Modder, Illustrator, and Gamer

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Vision to your future

Sharing you and your company with the world

Anime for everyone

Designing a platform to help people watch anime ads-free

Hello - Xin chào

I’m Minh, I live in Boston and currently studying at University of Massachusetts - Boston. I'm studying Computer Science with a focus on Web Development. I'm passionate about learning new technologies and building cool things on the web. If you're interested in the tools and software I use check out my uses page.

I'm a big fan of Lofi music and I often spend my free time listening to it and relaxing. I also enjoy playing video games and spending time with my friends. I'm excited to be a part of the Boston tech community and I'm looking forward to learning and growing as a developer. Thanks for reading!

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan